
ISW-NO Nethersea Brand Land

For the Sea Terrors, this is of course a paradise. Were it possible, they would want the nethersea brand to spread across all of Terra.
This stage is filled with <Nethersea Brand> that continuously seeks to expand, inflicting damage and Nervous Impairment. Try to counteract it by making use of <Emergency Aid Buildings> and <Active Originium>.

Initial Cost - 10

Deploy Limit - 6

Emergency Ops -

  • All enemy units have +20% Max HP
  • <Nourished Reaper>'s HP loss amount halved
  • Special Terrain

    name description
    Active Originium

    Units/Enemies will receive an effect that lasts for 300s, giving +10% ATK , +60 ASPD and receive 90 True damage every second

    Nethersea Brand

    Every 12 seconds spreads to nearby unoccupied melee tiles

    Allied units on this tile receives 120 Arts damage and 20 Nervous Impairment damage every second

    Enemies on this tile have their Nervous Impairment damage inflicted doubled

    Hidden Enemy Probabilities

    DLD 5% GPN 5% THF 5%
    smbox 10.5% smrbox 3% smbbox 1.5%

    * - Full analysis of enemy waves is still under development...

    Enemy Routes

    • combat_ops
    • duck
    • gpn
    • thf
    • doq
    • chest
    sp enemy enemy count

    Regional Commission

    For the next 4 battles, all enemies HP +30%, ATK +30%



    Mods Check (for Debugging)

    relic icon