
ISW-NO The Nest

The Sea Terror's nest extends in all directions, and intruders quickly find themselves trapped from two sides. By the time they manage to kill one that volunteered itself to stay behind as distraction, its kin have long since relocated.

Initial Cost - 15

Deploy Limit - 6

Emergency Ops -

  • All enemy units have +20% ATK, +20% DEF, and +50% Max HP
  • All <Ocean Stonecutter> additionally gain +30% ATK, +30 ASPD
  • Hidden Enemy Probabilities

    DLD 5% GPN 5% THF 5%
    smbox 10.5% smrbox 3% smbbox 1.5%

    * - Full analysis of enemy waves is still under development...

    Enemy Routes

    • combat_ops
    • duck
    • gpn
    • thf
    • doq
    • chest
    sp enemy enemy count

    Regional Commission

    For the next 4 battles, all enemies HP +30%, ATK +30%



    Mods Check (for Debugging)

    relic icon