
ISW-NO Pool of Procreation

Evolution is a gradual process. When a Seaborn continuously adapts and removes its own shortcomings, it will eventually become as perfect as a Leviathan.

Initial Cost - 10

Deploy Limit - 6

Emergency Ops -

  • All enemy units have +30% ATK, +30% DEF, and +30% Max HP
  • Additional 4 <Skimming Sea Drifter> appear
  • Special Terrain

    name description

    A dangerous hole in the ground. Enemies that step on it will fall to their deaths

    Hidden Enemy Probabilities

    DLD 5% GPN 5% THF 5%
    smbox 10.5% smrbox 3% smbbox 1.5%

    * - Full analysis of enemy waves is still under development...

    Enemy Routes

    • combat_ops
    • emergency_ops
    • duck
    • thf
    • chest
    sp enemy enemy count
    combat ops 50
    combat ops 54

    Regional Commission

    For the next 4 battles, all enemies HP +30%, ATK +30%



    Mods Check (for Debugging)

    relic icon